The fork in the road, choosing the slow than or the fast lane for the sake of human prosperity


(VRCIGS, 2010)

Possible drivers of change:

A future is being evolved through the ever increasing ‘Information overload & dependency, faced with more information that you could possibly imagine people will face new challenges of how to cope. Some will thrive in this new sea of unlimited potential while other will face serious mental collapse. There will be those who choose to disconnect entirely.'(David unknown, 2008) Society will now see a large split of between individuals choosing to jump onboard the faster lane or reject it entirely for a life at a much slower pace focused on leisure and an attempt to go back to ‘the good life’ instead of allowing the ever evolving ‘mechanistic and individualistic way of life replace a life closer to nature and to community.’ (Amaladoss. M, 1999). Through the consistent increase we can see in the development of technologies and available resources, their will be a natural growth and strive for efficiency through, absorbing and utilising of the masses of technology and information that will become possible.

The future with its current exhilaration towards defying striving for more and more progress as for the ‘More recent, cultural and technological development, which exhibit some parallels with biological evolution, have enabled our species to progress at a vastly accelerated pace… seeing enormous improvements in human life-span, labor productivity, scientific knowledge, and social and political organization’ (Bostrom. N, 2009). It is only in general trying to create a future with a goal of drive and acceleration of pace in order to achieve a ‘better future’.  A future that is more consumerist prone or driven. ‘A materialistic and consumeristic culture is spread through the mass media to create and increase needs. A mechanistic and individualistic way of life replaces a life closer to nature and to community’ (Amaladoss. M, 1999).  The most recent Nobel Prize for physics is an example of this driver for an acceleration of pass for the sake of solving a variety of human needs and prosperity is the discovery of ‘quantum information, the technology that will drive the 21st century.  New quantum computers have the potential to be millions of times faster than even our most powerful supercomputers today’ (Greg, 2011) Such advancements can lead to a range of diverse advancements for the sake of human development such as for the creation and distribution of information, advancements in genomics and nanotechnology, leading then towards the enhancement of our biology, the ability to cure more disease, such as todays example of ‘Synthetic Blood’ and the near future of synthetic organs and programmable cell therapies’ to which will extend longevity and also restore function.  In addition this kind of acceleration and processing power when applied to design and problem solving will then have the ability to transform almost every field.

Though some people today are seeing this ‘information overloaded and dependent’ future to be one that will lead more and more into the trap of the modern consumers way that we see today. Were instead of technological advancements being for the evolution of human kind it is only adding to the ‘novelty investment’ idea or the modern day consumers’ mindless attitude of “spend money we don’t have, on things we don’t need, to create an impression that won’t last.” (Jackson. T, 2010), to which will inevitably lead to the destruction of our ‘ecological assets’. To prevent this some will choose to take an extreme change or ‘disconnecting entirely’ (Amaladoss. M, 1999) from the current commercial ideals and consumerism culture we follow now and instead striving for a community harmonious with the natural elements that surround us, in order to sustain prosperity. Possibly a complete overturn of capitalism towards socialism instead. Believing that it will not be ‘efficiency will not take us to the top of Mt. Sustainability, to borrow a metaphor from Interface Inc.’s Ray Anderson.’ (Rob, 2010)

Tim Jackson, Oct 5, 2010 ‘Tim Jackson: An economic reality’, ‘YouTube’ viewed: 26th June 2013, check

Nick Bostrom (2009)’THE FUTURE OF HUMAN’ ‘Nick Bostrom Future of Humanity Institute’ viewed: 26th June 2013<;


Rob, 2010, ‘Review of Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption’, ‘In a future age’, viewed 27th June 2013


Michael Amaladoss, S.J., 1999 ‘Global Homogenization: Can Local Cultures Survive?’ ‘East Asian Pastoral Institute ‘viewed 27th June 2013 <;


VRCIGS, 2010 ‘ Customers For Charity’,’ Health road to retirement’ Viewed: 27th June 2013  <;


Greg, Nov 13 2011,‘The Future by Design’, ,’digital tonto, viewed 29th June 2013<;






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